Did you know that Allmax batteries are the perfect choice for long-term storage? The reason they’re perfect is because they have an extended shelf that meets or exceeds industry standards. For example, our AA and AAA batteries have a shelf life of 10 years! This makes them perfect for storing in the garage in large quantity for unexpected events or emergencies.
Think about all the possibilities. You never know when the lights could go out, or the power grid gets shut off, or you need a tool to work. Wouldn’t it be nice to have batteries on hand.
Or what if something bad happens. What if there’s some kind of natural disaster or war breaks out? What if you’re without power for an extended period of time? What if you don’t have batteries that power the devices you need for light, mobility, and communication? Just having a backup of the basic essentials is very important. And one of those essentials is batteries. Just like you should have an emergency kit with first aid supplies, your kit should also include a fresh set of batteries in each size, because you never know which size your device may need. It’s always good to have an assortment of batteries, and you can keep them in a battery case, or in the boxes that come with the batteries. Allmax batteries have very sturdy packaging, they are finely packed with maximum protection for long-term storage and use.